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Tyler Okonma


When it comes to my work I get inspiration from a large amount of people working in and out of Hollywood. When it comes to mixing around my music within movies and on multitrack, I take lots of work from Tyler Okonma as I feel our work goes together perfectly as we share very similar styles

Regarding my filmmaking skills I wouldn't say there's just one specific person who my work reflects a large amount on, however there is some aspect that an relate to the production studios of A24 and Illegal Civ, as a large amount of my films tend to have a campy style like A24 whilst also sharing the Illegal Civ step of being a teenage production company. Both of these can definitely be seen in the documentary I created last year.

Finally with my photography there is a large aspect that I take from the Golf Wang clothing brand photoshoots, this can be seen clearly as a large majority of my models wear their products and I also take colour as a large element of the images




Illegal Civ


Golf Wang Photoshoots     

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