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About Me


My name is Cameron Dinan and from a young age, I've always had a large interest in Cameras. Whether it was the first cameras on phones, to the crappy Samsung cameras in the early 2000s, I was always obsessed with them.

When I received my first phone the first thing I did was make really bad movies on it with legos or my toys, so you could say I've always had a passion for making movies.

Whilst also enjoying making movies I love watching them too. I would watch any film and find a way to enjoy, whilst a lot critiquing it to some degree. 

I attended Aberdeen Grammar School where most the topics I studied where English based like English and History, I did end up taking a Media course in my last year which lead me on to my Media Production and Analysis course which I've almost finished now

Finally, in my spare time I mess around mixing music around and making instrumentals of songs I like at home, I try my best to boost my skills in this which thankfully the radio aspect of my course had definitely helped with.

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